*A Trip To China*

︎︎︎a combination project with the main purpose of introducing Chinese culture
︎︎︎includes new year illustration GIF + a toy packaging project + a hand-stitched book featuring Chinese elements

Part A. Featuring the Chinese paper cutting elements, this GIF is created to celebrate the Chinese New Year of Ox.

Part B. I designed a 70 page book introducing Chinese culture to a larger audience. The book is coptic stitched with red wax string.
There are in total 8 chapters and each chapter features one thing and is colour-coded.

Part C. I designed a toy packaging for the monkey toy. I named it Hoho and set up a storyline that Hoho travels around the world.
In this particular packaging, Hoho travels around China with a dragon boat. This packaging also features a set of fact cards + reusable packaging.

Inside: Hoho’s new friend Tutu

Front of Packaging

Shelf look: with thin film protecting the dragon

Back of Packaging